Friday, July 31, 2020

Consequences Of Skipping Dentist Check-Ups

Consequences Of Skipping Dentist Check-Ups    

People should have their teeth checked every 6 months. However, skipping the regular checks can lead to rapid tooth decay and the person could not be aware that something is wrong. After six months, cavities may appear. After one year, the cavities might increase, possibly leading to tooth loss, Also gum disease may appear. Check what happens after 5 and ten years. More Information click here.


Natural Alternatives For Oral Care Bad Breath

Natural Alternatives For Oral Care Bad Breath    

Fluoride was thought to reduce cavities but research has shown that it is associated with bone cancer, brain conditions, and thyroid disease. However, there are natural ingredients that are beneficial for oral health. Among them are cloves and clove oil for toothache pain relief, coconut oil for pulling around the mouth and will help remove debris, and sunbathing for vitamin D, which helps absorb calcium for bones and teeth. Additional information click here.


Thursday, July 30, 2020

Peppermint Tea Has Beneficial Properties, But Beware If Suffering From Acid Reflux

Peppermint Tea Has Beneficial Properties, But Beware If Suffering From Acid Reflux    

Among Them Are Treating Bad Breath, Gastrointestinal Pain, Headaches, And Sleep Disorders    

Peppermint tea is very refreshing and has many health benefits because of its antioxidants and minerals. It is known for dealing with bad breath but also has antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties. It contains vitamins A and C, and minerals, including magnesium, potassium, calcium. Studies have shown that peppermint oil combines with eucalyptus oil can be a natural treatment for headaches. It is also beneficial for gastrointestinal pain due to its anesthetic properties, and can also lower pain caused by cramps. There are people who cannot drink tea may be a problem to people who cannot tolerate caffeine, however, peppermint tea does not contain this substance. This is beneficial also for people with sleep disorders. All its health benefits are due to its high content substances like menthol, menthone, and menthyl acetate. However, if suffering from acid reflux, peppermint tea can relax the gastroesophageal valve, allowing the food matter to return to the esophagus. More info click here.


Essential Oils Can Take Care Of Bad Breath. Hair Loss And Anxiety

Essential Oils Can Take Care Of Bad Breath. Hair Loss And Anxiety    

They Don’t Have The Side Effect Of Substances With Harsh Chemicals    

Essential oils have a number of uses and don’t have the side effects of products with strong chemicals, such as air fresheners. Among them is lavender oil, which treats hair loss, headaches and improves mental health. Also, peppermint oil can treat heartburn and other digestive conditions, cure bad breath and combat fatigue and anxiety. Oregano oil is very powerful, which can treat fungal infections, sinus congestion, and herpes. Lemon oil can treat oral bacterial infections and headaches. Check the complete list of essential oils and their health benefits. More info click here.


These Foods Will Help Whiten The Teeth And Provide A Better Oral Health

These Foods Will Help Whiten The Teeth And Provide A Better Oral Health    

Apples And Other Fruits Contain A Substance That Removes Stains From The Teeth    

A smile is our letter of introduction when we meet someone. And the teeth are pearly white, we will give a better impression. There are dental treatments that will give you that white smile. However, excess coffee and smoking will stain them again. Fortunately, there are other foods that will keep maintaining your teeth white. One of them is apples, which contains malic acid a component that removes the stains from the teeth, and also promotes chewing, resulting in saliva production, which cleans the teeth. Other fruits with malic acid are strawberries, cherries, peaches, and bananas. Another food is cheese, which contains lactic acid and is a whitening agent, increases the pH level of the mouth, and strengthens the tooth enamel. Pineapples have bromelin, an enzyme that acts as a stain remover. Check all the foods that will help whiten the teeth. Additional information click here.


Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Consequences Of Skipping Dentist Check-Ups

Consequences Of Skipping Dentist Check-Ups    

People should have their teeth checked every 6 months. However, skipping the regular checks can lead to rapid tooth decay and the person could not be aware that something is wrong. After six months, cavities may appear. After one year, the cavities might increase, possibly leading to tooth loss, Also gum disease may appear. Check what happens after 5 and ten years. More Information click here.


Ketogenic Diet Can Reduce Excess Weight Very Quickly

Ketogenic Diet Can Reduce Excess Weight Very Quickly    

However, It Las Side Effect, Making It Difficult To Sustain In The Long Term    

There is a new trend in diet, called keto diet or ketogenic diet. It lowers the ingestion of carbohydrates, and increases fat and protein, resulting in a rapid weight loss, in the first month. Logic says that fat is related to excess weight and obesity, and the person should be increasing weight, not losing it. But the mechanism is that ketogenic diet increases fat ingestion. Normally, the body uses carbohydrates, as a source of energy and stores fat. By lowering that ingestion of carbohydrates, the body uses fat as a source of energy and lowers fat storage. Besides a certain weight loss, it also improves diabetes by making the body more sensitive to insulin, which is a hormone that helps to balance blood sugar. Keto diet results in a typical weight decrease of six to eight pounds in the first week, and 1 to 2 pounds afterward. The cause is a loss of water because a body retains less water on a low-carb diet. However, it has side effects, such as bad breath and trouble sleeping. Additionally, there are gastrointestinal issues, such as constipation, nausea, and vomiting. The diet consists mainly of meat, full-fat dairy, nuts, olive oil, avocadoes, among others.


Oral Health Important In The Elder Population

Oral Health Important In The Elder Population    

Dental health is fundamental in elderly homes. As one age, the body’s overall health decreases. Teeth are not the exception. Poor oral health can lead to irritable and unhappy residents, and in the cases of patients with dementia, they cannot describe problems with gums and teeth, making it worse. More Information click here.


Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Poor Posture Can Have Consequences On The Body And The Mind

Poor Posture Can Have Consequences On The Body And The Mind    

It Affects Respiration And Causes Back Pain, Headaches, Mental Stress, Acid Reflux, And Even May Affect The Breath    

A poor posture not only affects the musculoskeletal system, leading to back pain and joint pain but also can harm other parts of the body. It prevents proper respiration, because of the position of the diaphragm. Also, the stress on the neck can cause headaches, hip and lower joint pain due to the muscles imbalances due to poor posture. Slouching also causes organ compression in the abdominal area, resulting in acid reflux and heartburn, and the body has to make an extra effort to digest food. Also, acid reflux and poor digestion may cause the return of food matter up to the threat and oral cavity, affecting the teeth, due to its acidity, and resulting in bad breath. Another consequence is the physical and mental stress caused by the misalignment of the body, leading to pain and loss of motivation. Click here for more details.


Which Foods To Eat (And Avoid) For Healthy Teeth

Which Foods To Eat (And Avoid) For Healthy Teeth    

There are foods that will help with having healthy teeth and good oral care. For example, calcium will maintain the teeth and bones well, and will also aid with cleaning the plaque and fighting bad breath. Also look for snacks such as cheese, cranberries, and raisins. On the other hand, avoid acidic foods, like citrus, coffee, fermented food, meat, and pickles. Also, green tea is an excellent choice because it controls bacteria and lowers the risk of cavities. Check the full list of foods. More Information click here.


A Proper Oral Hygiene Also Includes Tongue Scraping

A Proper Oral Hygiene Also Includes Tongue Scraping    

Learn How To Clean It Properly    

We have discussed the importance of brushing for good oral hygiene. However, it also includes cleaning the tongue. Foul-smelling bacteria resides not only on the teeth surface or between the teeth, but also in the tongue. Therefore, oral hygiene must include brushing, flossing and also tongue scraping. It requires a tongue scraper, a soft toothbrush or even the same toothbrush used for the teeth. Just extend your tongue, and scrape from the back of the tongue. If there is a gag reflex, you can try humming as a distraction. Additional information click here.


Monday, July 27, 2020

Getting Rid Of Morning Bad Breath

Getting Rid Of Morning Bad Breath    

Morning bad breath is caused by excess growth of bacteria in the mouth, due to the dryness after low saliva production in the night. Brushing your teeth addresses bacteria and plaque in the teeth, but a tongue scraper and brushing the inner mouth walls will complete the job. Click here for more info.


Green Tea Has Amazing Health Benefits

Green Tea Has Amazing Health Benefits    

Green tea is rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, which oxidize the fat and make it great for weight reduction, treating Alzheimer’s, reducing stress and improving brain activity, because of its caffeine and amino acids, lowers cholesterol and the risk of heart disease, and improves dental health due to the presence of catechin, a component that kills bacteria, lowering the risk of oral infection and preventing bad breath. More Information click here.


Study: Half Of Older Adults In US Don’t Get Their Teeth Checked, Increasing The Risk For Other Health Conditions

Study: Half Of Older Adults In US Don’t Get Their Teeth Checked, Increasing The Risk For Other Health Conditions    

A study has shown that more than half of older adults in the US never get their teeth checked. This is a result of the various types of dental insurance. This increases the risk of tooth decay, which can lead to pneumonia in elders, and also affects the ability to eat, swallow, and speak.  Click here for more info.


Sunday, July 26, 2020

Dried Fruits As An Alternative To Sweets Means Fewer Cavities

Dried Fruits As An Alternative To Sweets Means Fewer Cavities    

Many people have diets high in sugar and low on fiber. This is because of the excess in consumption of sweetened drinks and processed foods. However, dried fruits have the correct balance between sugar and fiber. So, why are dried fruits not being promoted? Additional details click here.


Friday, July 24, 2020

Stained Teeth Can Have Many Causes

Stained Teeth Can Have Many Causes    

Stained teeth are usually the result of smoking or chewing tobacco. However, there are other causes for stains such as nerve damage related to root canal treatment, Bacteria in the mouth, tooth decay resulting from improper brushing, old age, which causes the enamel to change color, among others. Check all the reasons that can cause tooth stains. Additional info click here.


A Germ Could Be Responsible For Gum Disease And Rheumatoid Arthritis

A Germ Could Be Responsible For Gum Disease And Rheumatoid Arthritis    

Rheumatoid arthritis is a form of arthritis caused by an overactive immune system. Scientists have observed that the patients that suffer from this condition have a tendency to have gum disease. Now a recent study suggests that a germ might be responsible for these two conditions. Click here for more details.


Thursday, July 23, 2020

Health And Beauty Benefits Of Lemons

Health And Beauty Benefits Of Lemons    

Lemons have many uses. They can be used as a deodorizer for the garbage disposal, cleaner for grease on pots and beauty benefits on the hair and skin. Also, lemon juice will help with bad breath. Click here for more info.


Learn The Ways Of Proper Brushing And The Correct Way To Hold The Toothbrush

Learn The Ways Of Proper Brushing And The Correct Way To Hold The Toothbrush    

We know that e should brush our teeth twice a day. But are we brushing correctly? According to specialists, the way you hold your brush can make a huge difference in the result. Also, applying too much pressure can damage the thin top layer of gum. Click here for more info.


Unusual Causes Of Bad Breath And How To Deal With Them

Unusual Causes Of Bad Breath And How To Deal With Them    

Among Them Are Tonsil Stones, Breath Fresheners, And Even Fresh Air    

There are unusual things that may be responsible for bad breath. One of them is tonsil stones, which have a high content of sulfur. This can be dealt with gargling with baking soda, which eliminates the acidity in the mouth. Breath fresheners can also lead to bad breath because the sugar contained in them promote the growth of the bacteria that causes bad breath. Another unusual cause id fresh air, which in excess can dry the mouth and set an environment for bacterial growth. Additional info click here.


Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Red Wine’s Antioxidants Can Prevent Gum Disease And Tooth Decay

Red Wine’s Antioxidants Can Prevent Gum Disease And Tooth Decay    

However, It Can Also Affect Enamel And Stain The Teeth    

Red wine has many health benefits. It improves cardiovascular health and has anti-aging properties. Now, researchers have discovered that it also is beneficial for oral health. Its antioxidants could prevent bacteria from attacking the gums, decreasing the risk of gum disease and tooth decay. However, there is a concern about the acidic nature of red wine, which can damage tooth enamel. Another issue refers to tooth stains caused by frequent drinking of red wine. More details click here.


Benefits Of Ketogenic Diet For A Quick Weight Loss

Benefits Of Ketogenic Diet For A Quick Weight Loss    

It Will Reduce Inflammation But Might Result Also In Bad Breath    

The ketogenic diet is known for reducing weight quickly. Standard diets are low in fat and about 50% in carbohydrates, but ketogenic diets are high in fat, about 75% and no more than 20% in carbohydrates. This makes the body to use fats a fuel instead of carbohydrates, a state known as ketosis. In this process, fats are broken in ketones. There are health benefits, such as a lower inflammation. However, ketones are foul-smelling, and the body will eliminate them through the breath, so it will result in bad breath. Click here for more info.


Kissing Has Many Health Benefits

Kissing Has Man Health Benefits    

It Increases The Production Of Saliva, Fighting Oral Diseases, And Also Lowers Blood Pressure    

Kissing is not only a romantic gesture. It has also health benefits. It helps with lower stress levels due to a lowering of the hormone cortisol, and increases the relationship satisfaction, and also elevates the mood, as a result of the production of the dopamine and serotonin. It also has oral health benefits, increasing the saliva production, getting rid of bacteria causing for tooth decay, cavities, and dental plaque, More saliva production also helps fighting dry mouth, which creates an environment that promotes bacterial growth and bad breath. Another benefit of saliva production is cleaning food residues from the mouth. It also has benefits for the cardiovascular system, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels, caused by an expansion of the blood vessels. Additional benefits are a toning of the facial muscles, providing a younger and healthier look, and an increase of the adrenaline production, lowering the pain sensation, which helps with chronic pain, and also increases immunity. More info click here.


Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Check If Your Dental Treatment Requires Antibiotics

Check If Your Dental Treatment Requires Antibiotics    

Mouths are full of bacteria. An injury or a dental treatment can expose the bloodstream to these bacteria. The immune system takes care of them, but in some cases, it might be a good idea to take an antibiotic before the treatment. It is also recommended tor people with certain heart conditions. Click here for more info.


Check The Many Health Benefits Of Cinnamon

Check The Many Health Benefits Of Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a dried tree bark used as a spice. It has many health benefits. It can help control diabetes by improving glucose and lipid levels. It also delays the symptoms of Alzheimer, acting as a protein and helping the nerves responsible for carrying impulses from the brain. Its antibacterial properties help to prevent tooth decay, fights cavities and relieve from toothache. It had also benefits for cancer, heart and cough treatments. Get the full list. Additional information click here.


This Toothbrush Will Send A Video To Your Smartphone

This Toothbrush Will Send A Video To Your Smartphone    

This toothbrush will help you check the inside of your mouth. It has a camera that syncs with an app on your smartphone. It can take 10-megapixel photos and stream videos, sending it to an app via Bluetooth and WiFi, so you can check what spots you are missing. Additional information click here.


Monday, July 20, 2020

These Symptoms Will Warn You Of Kidney Malfunction

These Symptoms Will Warn You Of Kidney Malfunction    

Kidneys are responsible for filtering the blood and getting rid of the toxic substances and waste. They also maintain blood pressure, and bone health, among others. There are signs that will warn us if they are malfunctioning. Some of them are a change of color in urination, frequent breathlessness, and a metallic taste in the mouth, along with very bad breath. Click here for more information.


Common Oral Problems And How To Treat Them

Common Oral Problems And How To Treat Them    

You can be careful with oral health and have regular visits to the dentist, but the bad breath does not go away. The cause might be an imbalance of bacteria in the digestive system, which can be normalized with probiotics. Also, the problem might be dry mouth, which is caused by dehydration in certain medications such as diuretics. Check all the causes. Additional details click here.


Various Health Conditions Can Be Detected By The Color Of The Tongue

Various Health Conditions Can Be Detected By The Color Of The Tongue    

It Can Help Identify Dehydration, Infections And Even Heart Issues    

The color of the tongue can help diagnose health issues. The normal color should be pink, which is a sign of good health. If it is pale, the cause can be poor nutrition and vitamin deficiency. A white tongue can be the symptom of dehydration or a fungal infection, while a gray color can reveal digestive issues. A red tongue can be caused by infection or inflammation, but if it's redder, the cause can be cardiovascular disease. A purple color can be the symptom of a kidney or lung condition (not to be confused with the purple color of red wine or some drinks). Check all the tongue colors that can reveal a health condition. Additional info click here.


Sunday, July 19, 2020

Thinking Of Getting An Oral Piercing? First Read This

Thinking Of Getting An Oral Piercing? First Read This    

Oral piercing is a statement and a form of body art. But injuries in the tongue, lips or cheek can be dangerous for oral health. They can cause pain, swelling, drooling, taste loss, infection, and tooth loss, among others. The highest risks are blood-borne disease, such as hepatitis, and heart disease due to the presence of oral bacteria into the bloodstream. Click here for more information.


Friday, July 17, 2020

This Procedure Can Treat Cavities While Avoiding The Dental Drill

This Procedure Can Treat Cavities While Avoiding The Dental Drill    

It Is Ideal For Children, Of People With Sensitivity To Anesthesia    

There is a treatment for cavities that does require the trauma of drilling the teeth. It consists of a brush on liquid called silver diamine fluorite (SDF). According to specialists, this treatment does not only help children but also people with special needs who cannot endure anesthesia and also adults with dementia who may have a negative reaction to the drill. It works like an antibiotic on tooth decay, is painless, and much less expensive than a cavity treatment. This liquid kills bacteria, hardens the tooth, and prevents decay, It avoids needles, drilling, sedation, and extended time on the dentist’s seat. However, there is a downside. The treated area turns black. According to specialists, this means that this silver is reacting property with the bacteria and the procedure is working. The stained areas are only the ones affected by bacteria, not the healthy ones. Also, another advantage is that the substance is still present in the bacteria, even after the bacteria has been killed. Therefore, the new bacteria is killed by the substance in the dead bacteria, preventing further advance. They proceeded is not a cure for cavities, but stops most of them, if not all. More info click here.


Natural Home Recipes For Teeth Whitening

Natural Home Recipes For Teeth Whitening    

There are foods, such as coffee and wine that will stain the teeth. Even that there are commercial products available, there are also natural home remedies to whiten teeth. Among these are baking soda with lemon, apples, oil pulling, and hydrogen peroxide. Check all the recipes. More Information click here.


Thursday, July 16, 2020

How Smoking Affects Your Mouth And Gums

How Smoking Affects Your Mouth And Gums    

It is well-known that smoking is bad for health. It not only causes lung and throat cancer, but it also has effects in other parts of the body. It will stain the teeth and cause bad breath, reduces the blood flow to the gums and affects nerve cells, resulting in a decreased taste and smell. Other parts of the body also suffer. Click here for more info.


Avoid Bad Breath With Your Own Natural Mouthwash

Avoid Bad Breath With Your Own Natural Mouthwash    

Antiseptic mouthwashes kill the bacteria, but also have alcohol and sugar compounds that will dry your mouth and promote the growth of the bacteria that you wanted to get rid of. Also, when swirling the mouthwash, you actually ingest some of it. Some of its ingredients can increase the risk of heart attack and hypertension. So an alternative is making your own natural mouthwash. More info click here.


Infused Herbal Water For Treating Bad Breath

Infused Herbal Water For Treating Bad Breath    

Herbs can be used for water infusions or even cocktails. For example, mint can be used for a mojito, but also infused water with mint is great for treating pain, indigestion, skin irritation and bad breath. Other herbs such as basil, thyme, and coriander also have health benefits and can be used for cocktails. Check the recipes. More details click here.


Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Natural Treatments For Gum Disease

Natural Treatments For Gum Disease    

Gum disease, also called periodontal disease, is the bacterial infection of the gums. However, most cases are treatable, and there are many home remedies. Some of them are oil pulling, turmeric, and hydrogen peroxide. Garlic and salt water are also helpful. Check all the list. More details click here.


Losing Teeth Can Also Reduce Your Life Expectancy

Losing Teeth Can Also Reduce Your Life Expectancy    

Stress and poor health to mouth cause mouth disease before any other part in the body, according to specialists. Further research has related the retention of teeth to serious health conditions, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or osteoporosis. Now, a recent study has stated that losing five teeth at the age of 65 could be a sign of reduced life expectancy. Click here for more information.


Stay Away From The Teeth Whitening Charcoal Mixture

Stay Away From The Teeth Whitening Charcoal Mixture    

There is a fad about teeth whitening. Some people are using and promoting the use of a charcoal based mixture prior to brushing to whiten teeth. Actually, dentists say that this substance deteriorates and erodes enamel. More Information click here.


Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Check These Quick Tips To Avoid Back Breath

Check These Quick Tips To Avoid Back Breath    

There are daily tips that will help you avoid bad breath. Among them are updating your toothbrush for an electric one, never forgetting to floss, increasing the water intake to avoid dry mouth, and lowering the number of coffee cups More details click here.


Fluoride Improves The Remineralization Of Tooth Enamel, Preventing Cavities

Fluoride Improves The Remineralization Of Tooth Enamel, Preventing Cavities    

It Can Be Found In Drinking Water, Toothpaste, Mouthwash, And Dental Floss    

Fluoride is a substance that can prevent teeth cavities. It is usually added in the water in toothpaste, or in mouthwash, and helps to rebuilt tooth enamel, in a process called remineralization, along with the saliva, phosphorus, and calcium. Oral bacteria form a plaque, which attacks the tooth enamel and forms cavities and leads to tooth decay. Fluoride helps protect the enamel from the bacteria. Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions about fluoride. Besides toothpaste and drinking water, dental floss is another way to obtain fluoride for the teeth. According to specialists, it is more effective than mouthwash. Additional info click here.


Bad Breath Can Be That Cause Of A Serious Body Condition

Bad Breath Can Be That Cause Of A Serious Body Condition    

Bad breath can be caused by a dry mouth, product of dehydration, or by poor oral hygiene. But it can mean something far worse such as stomach cancer, which requires an invasive procedure to confirm, or diabetes, which causes a dry mouth, or even kidney failure. These conditions cannot be diagnosed with just one symptom, but it is convenient to speak about them to a specialist. Click here for more details.


Monday, July 13, 2020

Taking The Anxiety Away From The Dentist’s Appointment

Taking The Anxiety Away From The Dentist’s Appointment    

An appointment with the dentist is necessary for good oral health, but can also be a cause for anxiety and stress, worse if you dread the sound of the drill. Dentists know it, and they can make a relaxing experience, from the receptionist, the atmosphere with music and aromatherapy. Additional details click here.


Bad Breath Could Be A Symptom Of Diabetes

Bad Breath Could Be A Symptom Of Diabetes    

Breath Smells Like Rotten Apples, Pear Drops Or Nail Varnish Remover    

One of the symptoms of diabetes type 2 is bad breath. Typical smells are similar to rotten apples, pear drops or nail varnish remover. The smell is caused by the accumulation of ketones in the body, which release their smell through the breath or the sweat. The ketones are a by-product of this health condition. The body extracts energy from carbohydrates and requires insulin for this process. When there is no insulin, the body begins burning fat, which produces ketones. Low insulin means that the pancreas not secreting enough insulin, or the body not reacting to this hormone. Excessive accumulation of ketones results in a condition called diabetic ketoacidosis, which, besides bad breath, also shows as shortness of breath, confusion, and abdominal pain. Additional details click here.


Cucumber Reduces Facial Swelling, Puffy Eyes And Also Helps With Bad Breath

Cucumber Reduces Facial Swelling, Puffy Eyes And Also Helps With Bad Breath    

Its Phytochemicals Will Kill The Foul-Smelling Bacteria    

Cucumbers have excellent health properties, besides being the fourth most cultivated vegetable in the world. They hydrate the body and also have the ability to lower the temperature of the blood. It also eases facial swelling and puffy eyes due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps with had breath – just place a slice of cucumber in the mouth for 30 seconds, and its phytochemicals will get rid of the foul-smelling bacteria. It will also boost your energy in the afternoon due to its vitamin B and carbohydrates. Check all the health benefits of cucumber. More Information click here.


Sunday, July 12, 2020

Hydrogen Peroxide Will Keep Your Home And Body Clean

Hydrogen Peroxide Will Keep Your Home And Body Clean    

Hydrogen peroxide is the safest natural sanitizer for home. It has uses in the kitchen, bathroom, laundry, and also beauty and health. Some uses in oral health care as a teeth whitener, mouth rinse and for disinfecting toothbrushes. Check all the uses. Click here for more details.


Friday, July 10, 2020

New Portable Sensor For Bad Breath

New Portable Sensor For Bad Breath    

It Detects Hydrogen Sulfide Gas After One Minute Of Exposure Of Breath To The Sensor    

Bad breath can be an annoyance or a symptom of a serious health condition. For most people, it is difficult to detect, unless somebody tells them about it. Actually, there are sensors but they require a power source, have low sensitivity, or require time to show the results. Researchers are working on a portable sensor that can detect very small amounts of hydrogen sulfide gas, which is responsible for the smell of bad breath. It works showing a color change on the sensor surface, after one minute of being exposed to the breath. Additional details click here.


Constipation Affects Your Skin And Also Your Breath

Constipation Affects Your Skin And Also Your Breath    

Constipation is defined as passing a dry, hard stool, which is difficult and painful to move. It can be caused by frequent ingestion of laxatives, irritable bowel syndrome, ignoring to pass the bowel movement, dehydration, lack of fiber in the diet, and certain drugs, among others. One of the signs is bad breath, due to the accumulation of toxic wastes in the body, which causes gasses to come out through the mouth and also causes skin problems, and rectal issues, due to the hardening of the stool. Additional info click here.


Thursday, July 9, 2020

These Habits Will Help With Your Daily Health

These Habits Will Help With Your Daily Health    

Many of us make plans for next year or next month and include major changes which sometimes are not easy to fulfill. However, if we determine to change certain habits, such as eating healthier food, flossing, exercising with less effort, the changes will be easier. Additional information click here.


These Home Treatments Will Help With Swollen Gums

These Home Treatments Will Help With Swollen Gums    

Swollen gums are caused by infections, leading to inflammation of the gums, known as gingivitis. There are home remedies for treating it. For example, proper nutrition with calcium and vitamins C and D, among others, cold and warm compresses and salt water, which prevents bacterial growth inside the mouth. More details click here.


This Fast Acting Technique Will Help With Sinus Pain

This Fast Acting Technique Will Help With Sinus Pain    

Sinusitis is one of the causes of bad breath. It is a sinus infection in which the sinuses are filled with fluids and germs. The mucus drips into the oral cavity, resulting in a foul smell. It is usually treated with antibiotics. But this tip will alleviate it almost immediately. It applies pressure on the space between the eyebrows. This loosens moves the vomer bone, loosening the congestion. Check the full advice. Additional information click here.


Wednesday, July 8, 2020

This Toothbrush Will Send A Video To Your Smartphone

This Toothbrush Will Send A Video To Your Smartphone    

This toothbrush will help you check the inside of your mouth. It has a camera that syncs with an app on your smartphone. It can take 10-megapixel photos and stream videos, sending it to an app via Bluetooth and WiFi, so you can check what spots you are missing. Additional information click here.


These Habits Can Make Bad Breath Even Worse

These Habits Can Make Bad Breath Even Worse    

There are everyday habits that can cause bad breath. For example, sleeping with the mouth open will end in a dry mouth, causing bad breath. Also chewing gum has sugars and carbs that leave a film on the teeth, in which the bacteria holds on to. A low carb diet and brushing the teeth at the wrong time won’t help either. Click here for more details.


Health Benefits Of Yogurt For Your Breath And Digestion

Health Benefits Of Yogurt For Your Breath And Digestion    

Yogurt has many health benefits. The bacteria in the yogurt can improve digesting and also enhances the immune system. Also, bad breath, which has foul smell caused by hydrogen-sulfide compounds, can be reduced if yogurt is added to the daily diet. Click here for more info.


Tuesday, July 7, 2020

A Dental Abscess Can Result In Tooth Loss

A Dental Abscess Can Result In Tooth Loss    

It Is An Infection That Causes A Buildup Of Pus Inside The Gums    

A dental abscess occurs when an infection has caused a buildup of pus that forms inside a tooth or gums. It shows as a swelling in the face corresponding to the area of the infected tooth. The cause is a weakened enamel, due to improper oral health, which allows the bacteria to form a cavity turning into an abscess. Among the symptoms are a pain in the affected part, swelling in the face, bad breath, a bad taste in the mouth, and tooth sensitivity. Click here for more details.


Braces Not Only Required For Cosmetic Purposes

Braces Not Only Required For Cosmetic Purposes    

Teeth With Poor Alignment Can Break Easier And Cause Tmj And Headaches    

New advances in braces and techniques for teeth straightening are extending its use to adults, not just kids, and teens. Also, braces are not only used for cosmetic purposes. Teeth with poor alignment break more easily and can force the jaw into an improper position, leading to headaches and TMD (temporomandibular disorder), which affects the joint of the jaw. There are metal brackets cemented to the teeth and brackets that are located behind the teeth, along with custom-made aligners. Additional details click here.


Cavities In Children Are A Chronic Disease But Can Be Prevented

Cavities In Children Are A Chronic Disease But Can Be Prevented    

Cavities are considered a chronic disease in children and teens. If not treated, they can cause pain, infection, and problems when learning, speaking or eating. This can be prevented by using dental sealants. However, this must be complemented with good health habits, such as brushing twice a day, a healthy lifestyle lowering ingestion of fast food and sugary drinks, and visits to the dentists twice a year, among others. More info click here.


Monday, July 6, 2020

The Harmful Effects Of E-Cigarettes

The Harmful Effects Of E-Cigarettes    

Many people that are seriously considering in quitting smoking consider e-cigarettes as an alternative. Unfortunately, recent studies have shown that this is not as harmless as it looks. One study revealed that it increased the rate of cell death in the mouth, exposing it to infection, gum disease and even cancer. Other study shows that the vapors of the e-cigarette release inflammatory proteins, resulting in various oral diseases. Click here for more information.


Study: Half Of Older Adults In US Don’t Get Their Teeth Checked, Increasing The Risk For Other Health Conditions

Study: Half Of Older Adults In US Don’t Get Their Teeth Checked, Increasing The Risk For Other Health Conditions    

A study has shown that more than half of older adults in the US never get their teeth checked. This is a result of the various types of dental insurance. This increases the risk of tooth decay, which can lead to pneumonia in elders, and also affects the ability to eat, swallow, and speak.  Click here for more info.


Truth Or False: Is Garlic Good For Treating A Cold?

Truth Or False: Is Garlic Good For Treating A Cold?    

Garlic is known to have many health benefits, but does it prevent a cold? It has a compound called allicin, which has been shown to have antibacterial and antiviral properties. However, the studies and lab evidence showing that it prevents cold is weak. If suffering from a cold, the most it will contribute to bad breath. More details click here.


Sunday, July 5, 2020

A Burning Sensation In The Tongue And He Lips Can Be Caused By The Burning Mouth Syndrome

A Burning Sensation In The Tongue And He Lips Can Be Caused By The Burning Mouth Syndrome    

Other Symptoms Are IBS, Back Pain, Headaches, Panic Attacks And Ringing In The Ears    

There is a health condition, called burning mouth syndrome (BMS), which is usually more common in post-menopausal women. Its symptoms are burning on the tip, sides, and top of the tongue, roof of the mouth, and the inside surface of the lips, and an altered sensation of taste. It is caused by an abnormal behavior to some nerve fibers, which transmit pain without any reason. This can be triggered by menopause, mental conditions, TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorders, and stress and anxiety. Other symptoms are a headache, shoulder pain, back pain, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), panic attacks, palpitations and ringing in the ears, among others. It can be treated with anti-anxiety medications and preventing the use of mouthwash and the ingestion of acidic foods. Click here for more information.


Friday, July 3, 2020

Natural Treatments For Gum Disease

Natural Treatments For Gum Disease    

Gum disease, also called periodontal disease, is the bacterial infection of the gums. However, most cases are treatable, and there are many home remedies. Some of them are oil pulling, turmeric, and hydrogen peroxide. Garlic and salt water are also helpful. Check all the list. More details click here.


E-Cigarettes Usage Can Result In Damage For The DNA, Which Can Lead To Cancer

E-Cigarettes Usage Can Result In Damage For The DNA, Which Can Lead To Cancer    

Its Use Is Relatively New, And Long-Term Effects Are Unknown    

E-cigarettes are considered a safer alternative than traditional cigarettes because they don’t have the harmful components that produce lung and throat cancer. However, its use is relatively new, and the long-term effects are unknown. A recent study has shown that the can cause modifications in the genetic material in the cells of the oral cavity, which can increase the risk of cancer. These changes are caused by the chemicals in the e-cigarettes, which are converted in vapor (which is why its usage is called vaping). Researchers collected saliva samples from users after a session of vaping and found three DNA-damaging compounds. If the cell does not repair the damage, the result could be abnormal DNA replication, which can result in cancer. According to specialists, e-cigarettes are a different kind of threat to the body, which does not mean it is completely safe – it exposes the body to another substance that can be harmful. More info click here.


Thursday, July 2, 2020

These Habits Can Make Bad Breath Even Worse

These Habits Can Make Bad Breath Even Worse    

There are everyday habits that can cause bad breath. For example, sleeping with the mouth open will end in a dry mouth, causing bad breath. Also chewing gum has sugars and carbs that leave a film on the teeth, in which the bacteria holds on to. A low carb diet and brushing the teeth at the wrong time won’t help either. Click here for more details.


Want To Know More About Tonsil Stones? Check This

Want To Know More About Tonsil Stones? Check This    

One of the causes of bad breath is tonsil stones. The tonsils are designed to trap viruses and bacteria, which turns into debris that includes food, mucus, and dead cells. All this gets trapped into the ridges of the tonsils and calcifies, which turns into a tonsil stone. It can be removed by a dentist, but other people prefer to remove it themselves, and even share photos and videos, as shown in this article. Additional info click here.


Decided For The Keto Diet? Watch Out For The Bad Breath

Decided For The Keto Diet? Watch Out For The Bad Breath    

The Keto diet is based on avoiding most carbs and sugars and eating foods high in fat and protein. Sounds like a dream, but it has side effects. The process of breaking down fat to create energy releases ketones, which are present in the breath, resulting in a very bad smell. Additional info click here.


Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Heartburn And Hypertension Drugs Affect Dental Implant Procedures

Heartburn And Hypertension Drugs Affect Dental Implant Procedures    

A study suggests that certain drugs can affect the outcome of a dental implant procedure. It advises taking drugs for high blood pressure and avoid taking meds against heartburn. These drugs can alter how the bone tissue accepts the dental implant. Click here for more details.


Medicinal Benefits Of Coconut Oil

Medicinal Benefits Of Coconut Oil    

Coconut oil is rich in saturated fats, which increase the HDL cholesterol (the good one) and also convert the LDL cholesterol (the bad one) into the good one. This reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Among its medical benefits are also burning fat because it increases the energy expenditure, memory increase and also reduces bad breath. Check all the health benefits, you will be amazed. More details click here.


No Drilling And Filling With This New Treatment For Cavities

No Drilling And Filling With This New Treatment For Cavities    

A clinical trial is offering dental patients with a cavity treatment that avoids drilling and filling. It is called resin infiltration and treats cavities between the teeth. The normal treatments drill through the healthy bone structure to reach the cavity. In this case, a plastic perforated sheet is placed between the teeth and pushes a resin into the cavity. Additional details click here.